Do you plan to visit the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse Museum and Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum soon? Are you looking for some tips on how to make the most out of your trip to Ponce Inlet? Don’t worry, you are not alone.
Future visitors like you contact us daily to ask questions about a wide range of subjects including climbing the tower, parking, ADA accessibility, bringing pets to the museum, local places to eat, and much more. We are here to answer these and other common questions to help make your visit the best it can be.
Commonly Asked Questions:
- When are the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse Museum and Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum open to the public?
The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse Museum and the Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum are open daily to the public at 10:00 AM except on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Closing time varies according to the time of year but last admission is always sold one hour prior to the posted closing time for the day. Please refer to the museum’s Hours of Operation for more information.
- Can you climb to the top of the lighthouse?
Yes, the lighthouse is open for climbing. Access to the lighthouse is included with your paid admission. All areas of the lighthouse are accessible to the public except for the lantern room which houses the tower’s historic 3rd order rotating Fresnel lens which is still in operation. Please be aware of the following rules and safety tips before attempting to climb the 203 steps to the top.
- Tower climbers should be in good physical condition due to the strenuous nature of the activity.
- Proper footwear should be worn while climbing the tower. Proper footwear includes closed toed shoes with non-slip soles, and low heels. Flip flops, sandals, and high heeled shoes are not recommended.
- Children must be able to climb the tower on their own.
- Running or jumping is not allowed in the tower.
- Do not climb or lean over the edge of the staircase or gallery deck railings. Serious injury or death can result from falls.
- Guests choosing to climb the lighthouse should always use the hand railings.
- Wait to pass fellow lighthouse climbers on the staircase landings.
- Anyone throwing objects from the tower (or down the interior) will be escorted from the museum immediately.
- An emergency radio is in the service room at the top of the tower. Please contact museum staff if you or someone else needs assistance or medical services. Use of this device is authorized for emergency purposes only.
- The tower can become quite warm, especially during the summer months and there are no water fountains in the lighthouse. Please make sure you are properly hydrated prior to climbing.
- Do I have to buy an admission ticket for both the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse & Museum and Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum or can I purchase only one?
Guests can choose to purchase a single admission ticket for either the Lighthouse Museum or the Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum or elect to buy a combination ticket that provides access to both historic sites. Regardless of your admission choice, you will surely have a good time while you are here.
- I plan to visit the Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum. Where do I purchase my ticket and park?
Admission tickets for both the Ponce De Leon Inlet Lighthouse Museum and the Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum can be purchased inside the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse Gift Shop and at the Pacetti Hotel Museum itself.
Ample parking is available at both museums for your convenience. Those planning to visit the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Pacetti Hotel can choose to park their vehicle in the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse parking lot and walk across the street to the Pacetti Hotel Museum or simply move their vehicle from one parking lot to the other.
- How close are the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse & Museum and Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum to each other?
The Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum is located directly across the street from the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse at the corner of South Peninsula Drive and Sailfish Drive. Visitors have the option of parking at the hotel or simply walking over from the lighthouse.
- Can you bring food or beverages into the museums?
Food and beverages (including water) are not allowed on the museums’ grounds. Spilling any of these items on historic floors, walls, or exhibits can easily cause irreversible damage and pose serious slip hazards for our patrons. Experience has taught us that we can best protect the historic structures by not allowing visitors to bring in food and drink. Water fountains are conveniently located in several locations for public use. Exceptions to this policy can be made in accordance with the specific medical needs of our guests. Please talk with the gift shop manager upon your arrival if necessary. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding regarding this issue.
- I am planning to visit the lighthouse soon. Do I have to sign up for a guided tour before arriving?
Most visitors explore the lighthouse, hotel, and museums using a self-guided tour map that is provided with their paid admission. Self-guided tours do not require reservations of any kind. However, parties of 10 or more that wish to enhance their overall experience may do so by signing up for a Group Tour in advance of their planned visit. Private early morning and after-hours tours including Climb to the Moon and Climb with the Keeper can also be scheduled on select dates with advance notice for an additional fee.
- Will bad weather have any impact my visit to the lighthouse and historic hotel?
Florida may be called the Sunshine State but it is also known for its stormy weather. This is especially so during the hot summer months when afternoon thunderstorms are common. Inclement weather may require staff to temporarily close the tower for the safety of museum staff and visitors. The tower is not open for climbing when thunder, lightning, or other significant weather events are in effect. When this occurs, the lighthouse will be reopened once it is safe to do so. All other museum buildings will remain open to the public as long as outside conditions allow. In instances where guests cannot wait for the tower to reopen, rain checks can be provided upon request to allow free admission at a later date. Please check the local Weather Conditions when planning your visit.
- Does the museum provide free parking?
Yes, free parking is provided for all guests for the duration of their visit. The museum’s lower main parking area is reserved for motorcycles and regular-sized vehicles only. Oversized vehicles including buses, RVs, and travel trailers may utilize the museum’s overflow parking lot that is accessed via a short driveway near the northeast corner of the main parking area. The museum’s main entrance and gift shop may be reached from either location. Please be Advised: Museum parking is reserved for Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Pacetti Hotel patrons only, all other vehicles are subject to tow at the owner’s expense.
- Are pets allowed at the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse Museum and Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum?
Pets are not permitted but service animals are.
- Pets: Pets are not permitted in either the gift shop or on the light station’s historic grounds. We advise potential visitors to leave their pets either at home or in their hotel rooms when planning to visit the lighthouse and museum. This is especially important during the hotter months of the year when temperatures are regularly in the upper 80s and 90s. Leaving your pet in the car in these conditions is not only illegal but potentially fatal.
- Service Animals: Although pets are not allowed, the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Museum recognizes that some guests may require the assistance of a service animal while touring the historic light station. A “service animal” is defined as a dog that is specifically trained to assist, do work, or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. Service animals are by legal definition, not pets. In accordance with Florida Statute F.S.A. 413.08, any visitor with a disability may be accompanied by a service animal while visiting the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Museum. Service animals in training are also allowed.
- Please Note: Service animals must remain under the control of their handler for the duration of the visit and must have a harness, leash, or other tether except in situations when the handler’s disability prevents their use. Lighthouse staff can request that the service animal be removed from the property if the animal is out of control and the animal’s handler does not take effective action to control it, the animal is not housebroken, or the animal poses direct threat to the health and safety of others.
- Is there any security on site?
Your security and safety are important to us! The Preservation Association’s on-duty staff is always available to answer visitor questions, respond to emergencies, and address issues of concern as they arise. In addition to its staff, the museum also utilizes a video monitoring system to ensure visitor safety and security throughout the premises. We encourage guests to stop and talk with a member of our staff to enhance their overall lighthouse experience.
- Restricted Areas: Most of the light station and hotel grounds are accessible to the public. However, certain areas are restricted to lighthouse staff only. Please respect the historic structures and museum exhibits by not entering areas that are fenced off or identified as off-limits to the public.
- Solicitation: Unauthorized solicitation of any kind, whether commercial, religious, political, personal, or otherwise; including the sale of products and solicitations of money, donations, contributions, or support; is not allowed anywhere on the museum property.
- Lost and found: The museum’s Lost and Found is located in the gift shop. Please see a gift shop sales associate if you find something that someone has lost or need to find something you have misplaced while exploring the light station. You can also contact the gift shop manager by email at giftshop@ponceinlet.org or by phone at (386) 761-1821, ext. 21 regarding any items you may have lost during your visit.
- Are the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse & Museum and Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum appropriate destinations for my family?
Yes, the Association works hard to ensure that the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum maintain a family-oriented atmosphere that is fun and exciting for young and old alike. We ask that all guests conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner to ensure everyone has a wonderful time by following these simple rules:
- Language: Be courteous and respectful of others by ensuring your language is always appropriate. Refrain from using profanity, making offensive comments, or engaging in conversations of an inappropriate nature for the duration of your visit.
- Behavior: Please ensure the members of your party behave in an appropriate manner. Unsafe, illegal, lewd, disruptive, and offensive behavior is not permitted.
- Roughhousing: Visiting the lighthouse and historic hotel is a lot of fun. However, for the safety of the museum and its guests, please refrain from running, jumping, or climbing in, on, or around the historic structures and grounds.
- Fighting: Abusive, threatening, or combative behaviors and altercations of a physical or verbal nature are strictly prohibited on museum property.
- Vandalism: Vandalism is an illegal act. Defacing, damaging, mutilating, or destroying museum property, artifacts, exhibits or equipment including the alteration of computer software and moving of exhibit cases is strictly prohibited and punishable by law. All cases of vandalism will result in staff contacting local law enforcement and legal action against the offender.
- Intoxication: Individuals suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances will be denied admission to the lighthouse for their safety and the safety of others. Those already on the grounds will be asked to leave.
- Smoking: Smoking, including the use of smokeless electronic devices (i.e. vaping) is strictly prohibited at both the Ponce De Leon Inlet Lighthouse Museum and Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum.
- What is the dress code while visiting the lighthouse and museum?
Visitors are required to wear proper attire while visiting the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum. Proper attire includes footwear, shirts, and pants/shorts. Clothing may not display graphics of an inappropriate nature including objectionable language, images, or designs. For the safety of the historic buildings and all lighthouse guests, wheelies, skates, and cleated footwear (i.e. cycling shoes) are not allowed.
- Are backpacks, diaper bags, or camera bags allowed?
The Ponce De Leon Inlet Light Station is a National Historic Landmark, and the Pacetti Hotel is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. Both sites are now operated as public museums with many rare and irreplaceable artifacts on display. Unfortunately, theft is always a threat to museums. We ask that you not bring large bags or backpacks with you during your visit for the security of our museum’s collection. Diaper and camera bags of a reasonable size are permitted but may be subject to search by museum staff.
- Are strollers allowed on the grounds and inside the buildings?
Carts (i.e. wagons) are not permitted. However, infant and toddler strollers are allowed on the historic grounds and within all publicly accessible buildings except for the tower. Strollers must not exceed 31” (79 cm) in width and 52” (132 cm) in length. We ask that visitors leave their strollers at the base of the tower when climbing the lighthouse. To protect the site’s historic structures, we also ask that you leave your stroller outside when possible. If you must bring your stroller inside, please inspect the wheels prior to entering each building to ensure they are free of dirt and operate properly to avoid damaging the historic hardwood floors. The Preservation Association is not responsible for the security of unattended strollers or their contents.
- Is photography permitted at the light station and hotel?
Regular visitors are welcome to take all the pictures and videos they like while exploring the Ponce Inlet Light Station and Historic Pacetti Hotel as long as their activity does not impede access to any public areas or interfere with the experience of their fellow guests. The use of selfie-sticks to suspend cameras over the edge of the tower gallery deck is not permitted due to the potential danger of objects falling from the top of the lighthouse and hitting people below. Professional photographers, videographers, and film crews wishing to photograph or film on site should visit the Professional Filming & Photography page on this website for more information.
- Can I paint, draw, or create other forms of art on the light station or historic hotel grounds?
The creation of art using special equipment, pastels, paints, and other media are not allowed on the grounds of either the Ponce De Leon Inlet Light Station or the Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum without the express permission of the museum’s curatorial staff. Artistic requests must be submitted at least two business days before the date of your arrival. Please contact the museum’s curator Felipe De Paula via email at fdepaula@ponceinlet.org or by phone at (386) 761-1821, ext. 23 for more details.
- Can I fly my drone around the lighthouse or hotel?
People often ask to fly drones over the Ponce Inlet Light Station and Historic Pacetti Hotel. For the safety of our guests and the historic structures, flying drones anywhere over the historic light station or Pacetti Hotel grounds is strictly prohibited.