Historic Beach Racing Parade on Saturday, February 8th

The 13th Annual Historic North Turn Legends Beach Racing Parade and Car Show will be held at historic North Turn Restaurant in Ponce Inlet on Saturday, February 8th, 2025 from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Traffic is expected to be especially heavy along South Atlantic Avenue during this event. Those planning to visit the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Historic Constance D. Hunter Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum on Saturday can avoid the traffic congestion by taking South Peninsula Drive to the museum by simply turning right off of South Atlantic Avenue onto Marcelle Avenue 1.7 miles south of Dunlawton Avenue.


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In The Spirit Of ’45 Day With Speakers, Special Events, Kids Crafts

The National Historic Landmark Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Museum welcomes all to celebrate the NATIONAL SPIRIT OF’45 DAY Saturday, August 17, 2024 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with speakers, docent-led workshops, uniformed lighthouse keeper- docents on the station grounds to answer questions and conduct mini-tours.  There will be a take-home children’s craft.

National Spirit of ’45 Day was established 17 years ago not only to commemorate the 79th anniversary of August 14, 1945 when President Truman announced to the nation that Japan had surrendered and that World War II was over.  The Spirit of ’45 Day is more to honor the “can-do” attitude of an entire generation affected by the hardships of the periods of time lived in by that generation specifically at home, and on the battlefield.  They faced and adapted to more uncomfortable changes and challenges in the decades before, during and after the war than any other generation.  While millions of Americans served overseas fighting fanatic regimes on two fronts and three fascist countries, at home men and women provided incredible and unparalleled support.  They sacrificed; family and traditional roles radically shifted, they innovated, shared responsibility and did much more than their duty to rebuild and protect American lives.

A special multi-media presentation by Lead Docent John Mann at 1 pm will focus on the formidable, unparalleled, dizzying transitions and transformations that “the greatest” generation faced.  Just think of some example: Kitty Hawk to The Sea of Tranquility in about sixty years, or two world wars across oceans during the same time-frame.

Regular admission to the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse will cover all presentations and special events.

Pacetti Hotel Virtual Tour Coming Soon!