Thursday at the Tower: Science of Light

10/6/2022 at 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Event Description


Thursday at the Tower: Science of Light

Ponce Inlet Lighthouse Education Building 

Included with regular paid admission

October 6, 2022 at 11:00 AM*


An interactive activity designed to introduce and reinforce concepts related to the science of light including refraction, reflection, and the visible spectrum by examining the development and evolution of lighthouse optics. This program features a video presentation and hands-on experiments using full-scale models of lighthouse optics including the Fresnel lens.


*Registration is required, as there will be limited space for attendees.

To register, please contact the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse Programs Department at or by phone at 386-761-1821 ext 18.

Ponce DeLeon Inlet Lighthouse
4931 S. Peninsula Drive
Ponce Inlet FL 32127
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